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flhiker 04-03-2010 02:42 PM

Laelia anceps (Project 10 int. - Spring 2010)
This is where you discuss your progress with the 2010 Spring project Plant "Interm" .Laelia anceps
Thanks to everyone who participated in this project and look forward to our progress reports.

Erinmir 04-05-2010 09:55 PM

I ordered mine today along with the Rhyn for the warm project... I can't wait for them to arrive! Here we go! :bananaslide:

Izzie 04-05-2010 10:36 PM

:D I'm driving to CO's orchid vendor tomorrow to get a division they're giving me! So excited.

Izzie 04-06-2010 12:10 PM

:cheer: Off to get my L. anceps! This will be my first visit to an orchid grower. Woo!

Tropicgirl 04-06-2010 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Izzie (Post 302895)
:cheer: Off to get my L. anceps! This will be my first visit to an orchid grower. Woo!

How exciting! Hope you can get a few :photo:!

Izzie 04-06-2010 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Tropicgirl (Post 302902)
How exciting! Hope you can get a few :photo:!

;) camera charged and packed.
Along with a nice tall cardboard box that's good for plants, towels, newspaper, and an insulated cooler.
(it just had to be windy and stormy today didn't it.)

Izzie 04-07-2010 01:10 AM

Braved the wind and cold and we all got home safe!
The division I got looks great- only two established pbulbs with giant leaves, but one very healthy new growth, and about 5 or 6 new leads starting that I can see. They helped me pot it up for free.
:X A teeny Den. aggregatum and a flowering Pot. Samantha Duncan 'Paradise' found their ways into my car as well.

Tropicgirl 04-07-2010 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Izzie (Post 303008)
Braved the wind and cold and we all got home safe!
The division I got looks great- only two established pbulbs with giant leaves, but one very healthy new growth, and about 5 or 6 new leads starting that I can see. They helped me pot it up for free.
:X A teeny Den. aggregatum and a flowering Pot. Samantha Duncan 'Paradise' found their ways into my car as well.

:evil: Those Den. aggregatum's sure are sneaky! One of them jumped into my shopping cart last weekend!

Izzie 04-07-2010 11:00 AM

:D We'll have to compare the little guys!
Mine's just a teeny one in a little thumb pot- super happy though.
The greenhouse I went to was splendid- I was really impressed with their service and plant health.
Not to mention, got the warm fuzzies when a group of elderly people came in a bus to enjoy all the flowers- apparently it's almost a weekly thing, they really add to the community.

Austin Powers 04-07-2010 12:19 PM

Looks like the L. anceps available to me in Canada is either alba, or mounted. I believe that I will be going with the mounted plant since it is from a grower I like and who is close to my home. I have never had a mounted plant before. Is there a great deal more care involved??

Tropicgirl 04-07-2010 01:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Izzie (Post 303131)
:D We'll have to compare the little guys!
Mine's just a teeny one in a little thumb pot- super happy though.
The greenhouse I went to was splendid- I was really impressed with their service and plant health.
Not to mention, got the warm fuzzies when a group of elderly people came in a bus to enjoy all the flowers- apparently it's almost a weekly thing, they really add to the community.

That's so cool they have people visit like a field trip! Any place that gives the warm fuzzies is a great place in my book.
Did you get any pics of the greenhouse?
Here's a picture of my Den., can't wait to see yours. I bet it's cute as a button in that little pot! I couldn't believe my luck to find this one. Orchid-in-a-bag at Home Depot for $17! And in decent shape to boot!:bananaslide:

nenella 04-07-2010 03:00 PM

I too have ordered mine today..Now I have to wait for the bank to transfer the money & he will then ship it.

flhiker 04-07-2010 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Tropicgirl (Post 303175)
That's so cool they have people visit like a field trip! Any place that gives the warm fuzzies is a great place in my book.
Did you get any pics of the greenhouse?
Here's a picture of my Den., can't wait to see yours. I bet it's cute as a button in that little pot! I couldn't believe my luck to find this one. Orchid-in-a-bag at Home Depot for $17! And in decent shape to boot!:bananaslide:

score!! I'll have to check out all the Depot's around me.

Izzie 04-07-2010 06:02 PM

D: All the HD near me suck. Must be that darned dry CO climate- not much of an interest for orchids.
Found that Lowes has a lot of 'Grow-more' (sp) brand orchid stuff that's 'endorsed by the AOS', can't be awful.

Erinmir 04-08-2010 11:09 AM

Izzie, ours suck too, just your garden variety Phals and occasional Den's and nearly all are NOIDs. I have seen the 'chids in plastic bags though and nearly picked up a Catt in a bag (take it as a pun if you wish! :) ) from Lowes that was clearanced to like $4.50, but I decided to opt out since I wasn't in for a rescue at the time. Haven't seen them since though so it is possible they stopped carrying those.

Anywho... on topic, I'm excited, UPS tracking says my Laelia and Rhyn should be arriving tomorrow! I'll post pictures as soon as they arrive! I'm nervous :dumb: though because the Laelia is mounted, I've never done mounted 'chids before... anything I should know about? :help:

flhiker 04-08-2010 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Erinmir (Post 303468)
Izzie, ours suck too, just your garden variety Phals and occasional Den's and nearly all are NOIDs. I have seen the 'chids in plastic bags though and nearly picked up a Catt in a bag (take it as a pun if you wish! :) ) from Lowes that was clearanced to like $4.50, but I decided to opt out since I wasn't in for a rescue at the time. Haven't seen them since though so it is possible they stopped carrying those.

Anywho... on topic, I'm excited, UPS tracking says my Laelia and Rhyn should be arriving tomorrow! I'll post pictures as soon as they arrive! I'm nervous :dumb: though because the Laelia is mounted, I've never done mounted 'chids before... anything I should know about? :help:

I think I have decided that I will get my Plants from Andy's and get the mounted Laelia as well. You will have to water a little more often then if it was potted. That's all. It's worth it to me I just love the way mounted orchids look over potted one's. I make a very weak MSU fertilizer mix and use it every time I water. All of my plants are outside and they get rain water as well. Of course I don't water them when it rains;)

Izzie 04-08-2010 03:10 PM

I so wish I could do mounted orchids- it would certainly save space in my teeny house. Plus, it would be neat seeing the hardier ones hanging from the supports of our umbrella outside.

Not sure if my question got buried- if my L. anceps division came off of a BS humongo plant, is it also considered BS? It's certainly huge, even if it only has two leaves and a new growth.

King_of_orchid_growing:) 04-08-2010 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Izzie (Post 303519)
I so wish I could do mounted orchids- it would certainly save space in my teeny house. Plus, it would be neat seeing the hardier ones hanging from the supports of our umbrella outside.

Not sure if my question got buried- if my L. anceps division came off of a BS humongo plant, is it also considered BS? It's certainly huge, even if it only has two leaves and a new growth.

In your case, I wouldn't bother with the labels of NBS or BS.

The division will bloom within a couple years. If the division is pretty sparse (maybe 2 or 3 growths large), it needs time to get large enough to create enough energy to bloom.

These should be pretty fast growing. Particularly when they're grown under very bright indirect light.

You're lucky you didn't get a mounted division. You might have had a hard time keeping up with the watering.

Izzie 04-08-2010 04:41 PM

Very bright indirect light- so it would enjoy being under my umbrella on the patio? (very bright south shade/indirect light)

:D You gonna join our party Philip?

@ Angela: I just made a thread about the greenhouse: http://www.orchidboard.com/community...tml#post303546

/thread hijack

King_of_orchid_growing:) 04-08-2010 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Izzie (Post 303549)
Very bright indirect light- so it would enjoy being under my umbrella on the patio? (very bright south shade/indirect light)

:D You gonna join our party Philip?

@ Angela: I just made a thread about the greenhouse: http://www.orchidboard.com/community...tml#post303546

/thread hijack

What kinda party? :)


You mean the intermediate plant project? AKA the Laelia anceps project.

Probably not. Laelia anceps is fairly large and they get big fast. They're beautiful plants, but I want to save some space for the rarer stuff first (namely, Disas!).

Laelia superbiens is even larger than Laelia anceps and grows similar enough to it. Sometimes I have trouble figuring out what to do with it. For now, the L superbiens is good enough.

I understand that Oak Hill Gardens sells seedlings of L anceps for dirt cheap, but like I said, I'm thinking long term.

Not to mention, seedlings will take almost a decade or more to go into first bloom.

My L superbiens has been with me for nearly 5 yrs, and it's not close to being blooming size.

Good luck with your L. anceps. It's a beauty, and it's very hardy. Great for beginners, and not a big hassle for any level hobbyists! :)

Talk about hijack! I think I hijacked the project! Sorry people. :lol:

Izzie 04-08-2010 08:42 PM

:X Not looking forward to it getting giant.
I need to find some more compact Catts- I love what I've seen of Potinaras.
Decided I can't keep oncidiums happy, so steering back towards these guys.

Connie Star 04-08-2010 08:51 PM

I ordered my plant from Oak Hill today. I tried to order one from Andys, too, but my internet connection messed up. I'll try again tomorrow. Of course, as long as I was paying for shipping......... :lol:
And since Cattlyea intermedia was a runner-up, how could I not order it, too?

King_of_orchid_growing:) 04-08-2010 08:58 PM

Miniature Cattleya and Laelia species are plentiful, just gotta know what you're getting and where to get them! :)

Laelia anceps with spike is about 3 to 4 feet tall. Without the spike, the plant is probably around a foot-and-a-half tall.

The flowers are about 3 inches in diameter. From what I gather, they're fragrant.

A miniature Laelia species is Laelia alaorii. Such a cutie. It gets no larger than 3 inches tall I'd say. Stays pretty compact. I'm going to see if I'm able to get it by mid-July. It's an intermediate grower.

King_of_orchid_growing:) 04-08-2010 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Connie Star (Post 303646)
I ordered my plant from Oak Hill today. I tried to order one from Andys, too, but my internet connection messed up. I'll try again tomorrow. Of course, as long as I was paying for shipping......... :lol:
And since Cattlyea intermedia was a runner-up, how could I not order it, too?

L. anceps is a beautiful plant, and so is C. intermedia.

Enjoy them, they're really nice! :)

Izzie 04-08-2010 10:16 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I love my C. intermedia! Very sweet little guy.

Here are pictures of my new L. anceps, kind of lanky looking cut off from it's mother plant- that thing was huge.

Pictured next to the Den. aggregatum I got for comparison.

@Angela- made a thread about my little Den in the Den Alliance section.

I'm sure everyone elses will be a lot more aesthetic than mine! :rofl:

Erinmir 04-09-2010 03:12 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Its here!!! YAY! UPS man brought it before I left for work this afternoon! And boy is it a biggie! I was expecting mounted as in on a stick or something... hubby says this is what they mean by "pot mounted" as it seems to have a hook for hanging. Here we go! It seems healthy, no apparent new growths but some remnants of old flower spikes so I know it has flowered before... just gotta get it to do it again! :)

ETA: second pic is the L. anceps next to my new Rhyn for the Warm project. :)

Izzie 04-09-2010 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by King_of_orchid_growing:) (Post 303651)
Miniature Cattleya and Laelia species are plentiful, just gotta know what you're getting and where to get them! :)

Laelia anceps with spike is about 3 to 4 feet tall. Without the spike, the plant is probably around a foot-and-a-half tall.

The flowers are about 3 inches in diameter. From what I gather, they're fragrant.

A miniature Laelia species is Laelia alaorii. Such a cutie. It gets no larger than 3 inches tall I'd say. Stays pretty compact. I'm going to see if I'm able to get it by mid-July. It's an intermediate grower.

D: -jealous-

Izzie 04-09-2010 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Erinmir (Post 303889)
Its here!!! YAY! UPS man brought it before I left for work this afternoon! And boy is it a biggie! I was expecting mounted as in on a stick or something... hubby says this is what they mean by "pot mounted" as it seems to have a hook for hanging. Here we go! It seems healthy, no apparent new growths but some remnants of old flower spikes so I know it has flowered before... just gotta get it to do it again! :)

ETA: second pic is the L. anceps next to my new Rhyn for the Warm project. :)

:rofl: As I said, much more aesthetic- looking good, grats!

Connie Star 04-09-2010 06:34 PM

So I tried again to order from Andys online- my internet provider says the connection is not secure for ordering? Anybody else have that problem?
Boy am I anxious to get started!

flhiker 04-09-2010 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Connie Star (Post 303929)
So I tried again to order from Andys online- my internet provider says the connection is not secure for ordering? Anybody else have that problem?
Boy am I anxious to get started!

It must be a setting in your computer. I have never had any problem with there site. Just call them by phone. You will most likely will talk with Harry and he couldn't be a nicer guy to deal with. Good Luck

Country Gramma 04-09-2010 09:41 PM

Yeah!!! I got all the plants for my projects today. Laelia and Den from Andy's and Rhyn from Hauserman's. These are two GREAT places to order from. I've never gotten such super healthy plants in the mail as these. I'll try to post pics tomorrow.

Connie Star 04-11-2010 11:53 AM

Well now I've ordered the Laelia anceps as well as a Brassavola "Mickey Mouse? and an Encyclia brassavolaea from Andys. I simply couldn't stop with only one orchid in an order. Now I await their arrival, along with the L anceps and Cattlyea intermedia I ordered from Oak Hill.
I hope I can keep them all alive :pray:

Austin Powers 04-14-2010 10:21 PM

Picked up my L. anceps today. Pics to follow.

Izzie 04-15-2010 12:54 PM

:faint: I think I over-loved my anceps division. I was misting it every day after the vendor said that it would probably need to stay moist the first couple weeks (or water more often, something like that....)
Noticed today that the roots are not as firm as they once were. :(
Could it be because these were originally aerial roots that are now buried in bark? (large bark, sponge rock, charcoal) You can see how far above the media the rhizome is in my picture on the previous page. :/

Austin Powers 04-15-2010 01:06 PM

Just wanted to share the pic of L. anceps I picked up yesterday. Anyone have one that is mounted?? I'd love to see a pic. I've read that anceps likes to grow mounted. The grow I bought from agreed but added that the average person would not purchase a mounted plant, so he pots.

Austin Powers 04-15-2010 01:14 PM

I'd have thought that it would be the reverse. A bit drier than normal to let the roots adjust to repot shock. I've read that the roots may not be able to deal with moisture as well usual immediately after repotting, therefore keep the roots drier? Theory and practice often differ however, anyone else??

Izzie 04-15-2010 01:24 PM

That's what I thought Stephen!
I did a quick soak in some coconut water yesterday, and am letting it dry out more this week to see what happens. :pray:

Izzie 04-15-2010 01:26 PM

Yours is so much more compact than mine! I guess since mine came off of a monster plant....
:) very sweet.

Austin Powers 04-15-2010 02:01 PM

Oh, also, anceps has a reputation of being very hardy to temperature range and conditions. I doubt you have done any significant damage.

Izzie 04-15-2010 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Austin Powers (Post 305348)
Oh, also, anceps has a reputation of being very hardy to temperature range and conditions. I doubt you have done any significant damage.

:D that's why I'm not chewing my nails off quite yet.

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