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-   -   Spring 2013 Flask Project Sign Up and Sources (http://www.orchidboard.com/community/member-projects/67221-spring-2013-flask-project-sign-sources.html)

Rowangreen 04-12-2013 12:26 PM

Spring 2013 Flask Project Sign Up and Sources
For the spring project we'll be growing plants from flask. If possible folks should get a phaeanopsis flask, however others are acceptable.

The actual project thread, where you can discuss and grow your flasks once you have them is here

This thread is to sign up for the project

It's also to sugest sources for flasks (as we get going I'll add to the list below), and you can use it to discuss flask shares if you like.


Call Me Bob
Island Girl
Paul Mc
The Orchid Boy



Roellke Mini flasks listed as 'Orchipack'
Orchid Flasks
Bodens (NB may not be doing flasks at the moment)
Equatorial Plant Company (List on the website is NOT up to date: they do a much greater range. No phals ready right now though)
Cactus Plaza
Writhlington Orchid Project As far as I know they don't do mail order, but they do sell flasks at shows...


Carmela: range of species/hybrids, doritanopsis, $20 per flask. Ebay
Robert Bedard (I've heard a rumour they may no longer be active: if anyone finds out let us know!)
HBI: from $25 for a flask of Phal hybrids. Also do ghost orchids!
Big Leaf: from $75 for a large flask of hybrids
Meyers Conservatory: $32.50 for flask of 16. Flasks need to be reserved (Shipping might be as little as $10: they will ship in a sterile baggy for immediate potting up)
Marni Turkel / Stony Point Ceramic Design
Springwater Orchids (good apparently, but don't have website Email)
Woodstream Orchids
Orchids Inn Paphs
Ruben In Orchidsitems in Ruben In Orchids store on eBay!
Sunset Valley Orchids (Cats)
elvis.813 | eBay (No phals at present)


Rosella Orchids (Recomended by Greengarden)


Zephrys (paphs and phrags only by the look of it)
Orchids InnAmerican, paphs, phrags and cats, will deliver to Canadian shows
Kingfisher Orchids

orchidsarefun 04-12-2013 01:32 PM

sign me up.......

escualida 04-12-2013 03:07 PM

me too

Call_Me_Bob 04-12-2013 05:44 PM

I'm in!

shadytrake 04-12-2013 06:05 PM

I'm in. I have several flasks on order already. :)

---------- Post added at 05:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 PM ----------

As FYI, here are the instructions for ordering flasks from Meyers.


I love his plants, but please note these are not in stock quick turn around. He makes the flask upon your reservation request. Sometimes you can wait for a year or longer. His quick turn flasks are listed on the main flasking page.

---------- Post added at 05:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:04 PM ----------

Here is the list ... I will add you to the distro so you will get the new
list as they become available. Some maybe sold out, and some are probably
sent to my contract grower.
I'll let you know

FLASK/TUB: Average about 20-25 plants, but I will guarantee 15.
Flasks from this list will be shipped from my lab, with cotton stuffed
inside the tub (keep plantlets stabled during transition) in clean
environment, so you don't have to deflask right away.
Advance/wholesales growers - If you order more than 5 flasks, I can have the
lab deflask, rinse, fungicide treated and dried out the plantlets, ship in
cotton upon request.

****Paypal customers!! - If you prefer to paypal, please use send
money/personal/money owe or gift. This way they don't charge me a
transaction fee like they do on ebay/paypal purchase. Small grower with
small profit margin, 4% paid to paypal is a little bit stiff for me, thank
you. Otherwise I can certainly wait for a check******

$60 per tub:

4 tubs - Phal. Timothy Christopher 'TH-18' X Phal. Yungho Gelb Canary 'CY' -
Cross named Phal. Tzu Chaing Chrisna . Expect waxy white, or pale yellow
fragrant flowers.

7 tubs - Phal. gigantea 'Select' X Phal. bellina 'Ross' - A wonderful
primary hybrid. =Phal. Gigabell.

5 tubs - Phal. venosa 'H.P. Red Select' X Phal. Malibu Imp 'Red Bird' - Red,
fragrant. Remake of Phal. Venimp.

2 tubs - Phal. equestris alba (#1 X #2) - White with yellow marking on lip

SOLD OUT 1 tub - Phal. schilleriana 'Fragrant Butterfly -sport X 'Pink Butterfly' -
Outcross of two excellent selections of the species.

SOLD OUT 1 tub - Phal. schilleriana 'Fragrant Butterfly-sport' X self - vigorous
seedlings from a self pollination of a sport selected from a group of
cloned plants.

2 tubs - Phal. (Oriental Love 'Red Lantern' HCC/AOS X Brother Sara Gold) X
Phal. (Sogo Grape X Oriental Love 'Red Lantern') 'LL Springwater Select' -
Expect art-shade and red flowers with heavy substance.

1 tub - Phal. Cat's Paw Firebird 'Montclair' X Phal. (Oriental Love 'Red
Lantern' HCC/AOS X Brother Sara Gold) - Expect art-shade and red flowers
with heavy substance.

2 tubs - Phal. venosa 'LL Select' X Phal. Penang Moonbright 'L&L Select -
Expect orange or orange and pink flowers. Fragrant.

2 tubs - Phal. Guadelupe Pineda 'L&L Select' X Phal. Zheng Min Etching 'Joy'
- Red, or patterned fragrant flowers.

2 tubs - Phal. Malibu Imp 'Red Bird' X Phal. Zheng Min Etching 'Joy' - Red,
or patterned fragrant flowers.

3 tubs - Phal. Penang Girl 'Ching Ruey' X Phal. bellina 'Ponkan' AM/AOS -
Orange, or cream color w/ pink. Fragrant.

1 tub - Phal. Ludde-violacea 'Anna-Red' HCC/AOS X Phal. amboinensis 'Common
type#1' - Remake of Phal. Malibu Imp using excellent selected parents.

1 tub - Phal. equestris 'Hampshire' HCC/AOS x album #1' - Hot pink, super
shape in this combination.

$50 per tub:
1 tub - PL 0701- Ascn. Irene Dobkin 'Orange Delight' X Timothy Christopher
'Sakura' - Pastel orange mini multifloral.

3 tubs - Ascn. Irene Dobkin 'Orange Delight' X Phal. Zuma's Pixie 'Jiaho'
Orange mini multifloral.

1 tub - Phal. amboinensis 'Yellow-Red' X Phal. amabilis 'Huei Fong' -
Could be similar to P. deventeriana.

1 tub - Phal. (Oriental Love 'Red Lantern HCC/AOS X Phal. Brother Sara Gold)
X H.P. Norton 'Red/Orange#1'. Red, Orange and art-shades expected.

2 tubs - Phal. Zuma's Pixie 'Jia Ho' X venosa - Orange, art-shade mini

3 tubs - Phal. Zheng Min Etching 'Joy' X Phal. Deventeriana 'Treva' HCC/AOS
- Looking for fragrant yellow flowers with red patterns. Fragrant. Good
vigor in this cross.

$40 per tub:

3 tubs - Phal. philippinense 'HP Select seedling' X Phal. stuartiana 'Sogo'
HCC/AOS - Expect cascading inflorescences of white flowers w/ some speckles.
Lovely patterned foliage.

1 tub - Phal. stuartiana 'Sogo' HCC/AOS X Phal. Zuma's Pixie 'Jia ho' -
Expect pink or white multiflorals similar to Phal. Cassandra.

1 tub - Phal. I-Hsin Salmon X Phal. (Oriental Love 'Red Lantern' HCC/AOS X
Brother Sara Gold) - Expect orange or art-shade multiflorals.


3 tubs - Enc. randii - similar to Enc. cordigera. White lip with pink dot in
center - $40/tub

2 tubs - Oec. Roseo-variegata - Cactus-like 'Painted Leaf' terrestrial
orchid. - $40/tub

4 tubs - Soph. cernua 'L&L Select' X Bro. sanguinea 'Wanda Byrd' -
Miniatures. Red or fuchsia flowers. Note - seedling growth is highly
variable. $50/tub

2 tubs - Paph. Batik (Michael Koopowitz 'Homestead' X wilhelmineae 'Dark
Tower') - $65/tub

1 tub - Paph. Michael Koopowitz 'Homestead' X Paph. Lyro Blackhawk
'Jonathon Wagner' HCC/AOS - $70

4 tubs - Paph. Michael Koopowitz 'Homestead' X self - $70

Springwater flasks:
10 tubs - SWO-0080 Phal. bellina (coerulea X sib) (purple) X coerulea X sib
- $50/tub special, I had a very good yield from this cross

1 tub - SWO-0108 - Phal. Tzu Chaing Chrisna 'Fuller' AM/AOS X Phal.
Tetraspis 'C-1 type select' - $60

7 tubs - SWO-0117 - Paph. Gratrixianum X 'Doyle' - Excellent outcross of
selected parents - $60/tub

5 tubs - SWO-0097 - Paph. haynaldianum 'Brechts' AM/AOS X SWO Select - These
are very nice haynaldianums, Brechts is an old one but still among the best
out there, my selected clone came from Taiwan breeding - $100/tub

5 tubs, 6tt - SWO-0120 - Paph. mastersianum X self - testtube - $15 each,

3 tubs - Polystachya paniculata X self - Excellent African species - $50

3 tubs - SWO-0116 - Paph. parishii 'Springwater' X #2 - $100/tub

1 tub - SWO-0126 - Paph. helenae x sib - $75

1 tub - SWO-0125 - Trichoglottis philippinensis 'SW Dark' X self - $50

4 tubs - SWO-0130 - P. (Hilo Emerald X Hsinying Citron) X P. charlsworthii
'album' - This cross should be interesting, charlesworthii typo cross with
vini yield some great plants with excellent dorsal. Here I am trying to do
the same on the green maudiae type - $50/tub

5 tubs - SWO-0131 - Paph. wardii 'OZ album' (#2 X #1) These are the best
wardii album I've seen, large green flowers, I trade lots of good plants to
get these, very hopeful for the great next generation - $70/tub

3 tubs - SWO-0132 - Paph. wardii 'album OZ #1 X Paph. charlsworthii 'album
OZ #5' - If they turned out the way I imagine, it would be great!, green
flower with great white dorsal! - $70/tub

Becca 04-12-2013 06:06 PM

I'm in too! Woohoo!

Call_Me_Bob 04-12-2013 06:17 PM

What a great list!!! I want them all :rofl:

shadytrake 04-12-2013 06:30 PM

I just sent an email to OrchidView to find out if they sell flasks and to send me the list. Will post as soon as I know.

Rowangreen 04-12-2013 07:32 PM

Good idea Shadytrake. Sounds like that other seller has a great list too!

escualida 04-12-2013 08:35 PM

Shadytrake is that list of flasks from Meyers or somewhere else? It's not really clear...

lepetitmartien 04-12-2013 09:53 PM

I'm in :)

(beware, I'm deflasking)

shadytrake 04-13-2013 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by escualida (Post 566050)
Shadytrake is that list of flasks from Meyers or somewhere else? It's not really clear...

It is from Springwater Orchids. Thanh doesn't have a website.

Thanh Nguyen <thanhnguyen79@ earthlink dot net>

billc 04-13-2013 02:58 AM

I'm in too.


greengarden 04-13-2013 08:14 AM

I'm in. Have six flasks ready for deflask so I can nominate one or share them all. :)

orchidsarefun 04-13-2013 08:52 AM

this place has cheaper ( fewer seedlings ) non-phal flasks

Woodstream Orchids

oops - see its already on the list....

bballr4567 04-13-2013 11:38 AM

I'm in.

JaneEyre 04-13-2013 11:58 AM

Oh, I'm glad I just logged on (haven't visited OB for some time now). I'd love to join in. Hope it's not too late to sign up :)

shadytrake 04-13-2013 11:10 PM

Welcome all. We are just now finding the flasks and starting to order. I'm waiting for one vendor to email me if they have available and I am waiting for the other vendor to confirm my order price.

wallyworld 04-14-2013 01:26 AM

I am in also

sweetjblue 04-14-2013 09:55 AM

I'm in too!


shadytrake 04-14-2013 12:37 PM

I found another flask source for other types.

peaandshel | eBay

Peaandshel is located in Hawaii and they have 99.5% positive feedback against 2,623 sales transactions.

I haven't purchased from them, but I have been tempted to. I'll check vendor feedback on OB to see if any members have.

Edit to add: peaandshel is Carmela's Orchids on ebay.

escualida 04-14-2013 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by shadytrake (Post 566434)
I found another flask source for other types.

peaandshel | eBay

Peaandshel is located in Hawaii and they have 99.5% positive feedback against 2,623 sales transactions.

I haven't purchased from them, but I have been tempted to. I'll check vendor feedback on OB to see if any members have.

Edit to add: peaandshel is Carmela's Orchids on ebay.

They're great, I've ordered from them several times and they're fast and their plants have been healthy, and their flasks great. I once wrote them because the plants in a flask they had sent me seemed to be too small to take out, so they sent me 2 more for free.

Rowangreen 04-14-2013 04:26 PM

Going to add them. They don't seem to have any phals at the moment though.

RebeccaBC 04-14-2013 09:05 PM

If no one objects, I'd like to use a Blc. seedling that was deflasked at a society meeting about a month and a half ago.

I'm not really interested in trying a phal hybrid since I have so many hybrids already, and I haven't seen anyone else from the great white north posting about being interested yet. If not, it's cool! I'll just watch from the sidelines!:bowing

Rowangreen 04-14-2013 09:50 PM

Not going to force anyone to do a plant they don't want to... but I do think it's quite important that we write about the process of deflasking and hardening the seedlings I'm guessing you are past all that with this seedling. What do others think?

bballr4567 04-14-2013 10:38 PM

Not sure.

Im in it for the process of taking a newly deflasked seedling. Im not quite ready for a whole flask and that is why I want to do the project.

shadytrake 04-15-2013 01:25 AM

Hi Rebecca,

Can you post the de-flask process that your OS used for your seedling? That way we can learn from your example.

RebeccaBC 04-15-2013 02:20 AM


The flask was wrapped with masking tape to make sure most of the glass was easy to clean up, then it was wrapped in newspaper and/or a towel and the glass was broken. The baby plants were put into a large bowl of fresh water and rinsed off, then laid on paper towel for a bit to dry.

We were each given a small plant, which was potted up loosely in moss and we placed them in ziploc bags, which we had blown air into. Brought it home and left the bag open for a bit, increasing the time by an hour each day. We were told after a week we could take them out, but I left mine in for about two weeks, in my eastern facing window. We were also told to not fertilize for the first month, but I haven't done any fertilizing yet.

If I missed something, anyone from the meeting can fill in the blanks :biggrin:

camille1585 04-15-2013 04:22 AM

I'll sign up, but I'm not sure to join. I wanted a Phal flask from Boden Orchids in the UK since they have amazing things, but they don't have flasks at the moment.

Since I'm splurging on a macro lens next week (finally!!), I don't really want to buy a flask unless it's something I really want. Though I'm liking orchidflasks.co.uk's Phalaenopsis Dou-Dii Rose x Sogo Grape cross... I lOVE Sogo Grape!

billc 04-15-2013 04:38 AM

Here's Antec's method of deflasking and compotting.
Deflasking and Compotting
Several sites I've read say place the flask in warm (tepid) water to melt or break up the agar and then place the individual plantlets into the media.
What works for those of you that have successfully deflasked before?


RosieC 04-15-2013 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by RebeccaBC (Post 566701)

The flask was wrapped with masking tape to make sure most of the glass was easy to clean up, then it was wrapped in newspaper and/or a towel and the glass was broken. The baby plants were put into a large bowl of fresh water and rinsed off, then laid on paper towel for a bit to dry.

We were each given a small plant, which was potted up loosely in moss and we placed them in ziploc bags, which we had blown air into. Brought it home and left the bag open for a bit, increasing the time by an hour each day. We were told after a week we could take them out, but I left mine in for about two weeks, in my eastern facing window. We were also told to not fertilize for the first month, but I haven't done any fertilizing yet.

If I missed something, anyone from the meeting can fill in the blanks :biggrin:

I hope no-one minds but I have copied this post to the the project thread here as this seems a good thing to have in the discussion of what everyone is doing with their flasks.

camille1585 04-15-2013 04:56 AM

Are you joining Rosie?

RosieC 04-15-2013 05:25 AM

I don't think so. I don't think I have time just now to care for vulnerable seedlings, although doing this the first time along with others does appeal. At the moment I'm having a bit of trouble keeping up with the orchids I already have so I'm generally not getting anything new. A 2 hours a day commute has made life with orchids much more difficult :(

Island Girl 04-16-2013 04:44 AM

Can somebody clarify for me whether this project involves a group of us sharing a flask, or if we each get our own flask of 20-30 or so plants? Cuz I've been eyeing a flask from Peter, but I'd like to keep most of the babies from the flask :blushing: ~ just cuz I would prob have less luck w/ one or two (although I've got a couple compots that r doin great!) and I'd like to see them all (or as many as possible) when they come to flower :) *But* I would love to be part of this project! I think it will greatly help me (I'm sure others too) learn and possibly succeed even more than I might on my own (and again, I'm sure that goes for others too! :) which is why this is cool)

EDIT: ~Oh Gosh! y'all that bit about the flask kinda sounds selfish doesn't it? :blushing: I'm Sorry! I just feel like I need as many plants as I can get, b/c I might fail horribly at this! :nod: ... Although, I am definitely NOT opposed to sharing! :biggrin:

RosieC 04-16-2013 04:49 AM

I think you can do either. I think the idea was to one each, but some people might want to club together and share one if the logistics of that work and if they don't want all the plants. That's what I've assumed reading the threads :dunno:

camille1585 04-16-2013 05:03 AM

Not selfish at all! Some people chose to share because either they don't want all the plants, the flask is too expensive, or if several people get together they can get a more expensive flask to share. There is no obligation to share! In Europe I think most people will have a flask for themselves, since EU growers offer mostly 'mini' flasks with 5-10 plants inside. And so with a mini price.

Rowangreen 04-16-2013 06:00 AM

LOL yes, too many variables not to be flexible! Are you in then?

greengarden 04-16-2013 06:03 AM

I'll have a whole flask, there isn't anyone here to share with even if I wanted to :)

Island Girl 04-16-2013 08:38 AM

Ok, then YES lol I'm definitely in! Which, btw, I've been looking on Peter's site, and now I have two flasks I want... (Well, ok so maybe there r a few more I would like as well... :evil: he's gonna get rich off me Lol :rofl: ) so I should definitely share if I can't resist getting two of them! ~ ie :: I was in either way!

Rowangreen 04-16-2013 01:24 PM

Great! We are actually getting a fair list of participants now!

I'm deflasking tonight, so will hopefully post in the other thread later. I'm pretty busy the next week though, as I have some major deadlines for the course I'm doing... so please forgive me if I'm a bit slow updating things!

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