Hey guys, Kevin here. Just wondering, what would you call this sort of thing? I want to grow some of my more prized orchids here due to the higher humidity from the sink and because of the sunlight's directions (my main collection is currently growing in front of two windows and the growths of the plants reach sideways, especially the dendrobiums and cattleya hybrids). Also, is shade cloth needed here? Some of the orchids are displaying yellowing leaves like the sharry baby and max. tenufolia while others like the blooming Blc. Yen Corona 'Green Genie' and Neostylis Pinkie 'Starry Night' are doing just fine. The area faces southeast and gets direct morning sun and a little bit of direct afternoon sun. If shade cloth is needed, then what percentage should it be? I'm thinking 30%. Don't worry, air movement will be provided by a small fan that I'm getting this weekend.