I have my plants sitting in an East facing window. I also had the ability to use a West facing window, until we had a flood downstairs and that spare room became our storage room, so I hope to have it back for my high light plants before summer.
I do use a light to help since during the winter it's really cloudy and dark up here in the Great White North
I've had to put my plants into an old award display case, to keep my two cats from munching on them. They have several times before and I got tired of almost losing plants.
It was difficult to keep humidity up inside the case, so I had to use a long strip of plastic wrap to close off some of the gaps in the door.
The light I use helps keep temp up during the day, at night it sinks down to the same temp as in the house, which is usually cooler.
I got a humidifier recently, that I turn on throughout the day, and am able to keep humidity up over 60% during the day, at night it stays higher on it's own.
I also have a bucket of water sitting on the top shelf which I use to keep mounted plants close to the outside light.
On the right of the stand (behind the curtain), I have another stand with a humidity tray, that I put new or sick plants in. I'll most likely end up using it when the case gets overrun.