Originally Posted by Whimgrinder
I would say this is still "on topic" since part of your complaint involves your unwillingness to comply with the seller's request to return the plant for a refund and your stated reasons why you "can't". I'd say that's very relevant to the subject.
understood, and since you put it that way ,it makes sense i agree. to subrosa, please accept my apologies for treating it as Off topic.
still the problem of claiming that the plant is the same, is what i feel was bad, i would be better to say, i made a mistake, and sent the wrong plant, if i had seem that attitude then, other outcome would have come...
it is that insulting my intelligence playing until the end that it is the same plant posted, that actually got me in my bad side.
i am pretty sure he knew he sent the wrong plant when i wrote to him , was his dishonesty of not taking any responsibility that allowed me to present the case. mistakes makes anyone, dishonesty is something that i cant tolerate. and he was dishonest all the way to the end.
as i said before i dont really care about 70 bucks, the attitude of claiming it was the same even with the proof in front of him, was what trigger my rage (so to speak)
being said that. the fact of me returning or not the plant for me at this point for a refund was irrelevant, as it will not erase the fact that he tried to trick me to the end. (need screenshot? more than willing to provide it!)