Their prices are quite good, aren't they? I haven't ordered from them before, so don't know how they are to do business with, but for those prices, to order a few would be very tempting to try. My problem is where I live and the season.

No one would ship to me. The good thing is that I have a place an hour from here that is an orchid greenhouse! Yippee Cowyeah! I was there just a couple days ago. I bought a paph (don't know why, I have no luck with them) and two phals. The phals were called Songo Grape 'Firecracker' and the other is Equestris x Princess Midas. The paph is 'Spellbound x Tuxedo Junction' and has a blossom coming on it.
Want to know why I don't post pics? Because they are all just spiked only. Less obvious to my better half. Don't want to make waves cause he doesn't understand why someone with 74 orchids would need any more. It's called "addict" honey, "orchid junkie," "the crazy orchid woman," also known as your loving wife.
I'm not flawed, but the whole non-orchid growning world out there is. You know, if everyone would grow orchids, all the therapists in the world would be out of a job. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Later, gators.......kiki