Super pleased with my purchase from this grower. I signed up for his e-mail list, because a lot of the ones I wanted were already sold out. If you sign up he will send you an e-mail in the Spring for his new division list. I recommend this seller for the Catasetinae orchids. He does have other genera, but my dealings were not in that group.
He shipped them bare root. Honestly, I prefer it this way because you can save on shipping, and you know exactly what the condition of the roots are like before potting.
I was super bummed about not getting Clo. Abigail Parsons, but he refunded my money and threw in a free Ctsm. How can you complain about free? Really good communication throughout the whole process.
I will admit, though, that I still want Clo. Abigail Parsons
I recommend this seller!