Hilltop Orchids
I have visited Hilltop Orchids several times as it is only about an hour away. Recently I purchased a HUGE pescatorea in bloom, several bulbophyllums, a paphiopedilum and some cattleya hybrids from them. They are very friendly, Dick will talk your leg off about orchids (he is a true enthusiast, not just a commercial grower). He mainly focuses on phalaenopsis and paphiopedilum crosses. He recently bred the closest thing to a black paph that I have seen. It was recently rated extremely high and will be moving into marketing soon. He also has several phrags - I'll post some pics if people want - I am sure he would do postal deliveries if you wanted. Great place to visit and very reasonable prices.
Last edited by Stray59; 01-25-2013 at 03:58 PM..