Ron got some clout hey?
They called and emailed me today as a matter of fact Mister...
Very nice and genuine man he was. Said he was very disappointed and apologetic that this all happened and at that time, was he himself, going to pick me a new paph jean francois pastuer ,make sure it was happy and healthy ,send it Fedex today Woot!!..Also was going to send me another nice plant for my own disappointment
What a stand up guy!!!
Its such a small world this internet makes everything so small.
This plant could have come from anyone and it just happened to get to me after I learned to look at roots thanks to the Orchid Board
.. So just give these vendors a chance to make good. I feel maybe I should have given them more time to respond after the holidays and all..I feel like I done wrong now
But I'm making it good by saying they responded well and If they have another plant or anything else I like I would have to say I would give them a shot again as their guarantee seems to be valid and honored For that many many orchid people thank you sir Mr Los Osos