Originally Posted by estación seca
I'm curious about growing an olive indoors. They're such high light trees it seems it would be difficult without a large bank of lights. And your alluvial sand/clay soil is just what they like.
It's going to be interesting, I might document some of my non-orchid plant experiments in the everything else forum.
I'm hoping lower light keeps it within a manageable size. Pruning is not necessarily helpful as they tend to grow bigger shoots after that. Fertilizing them heavily or potting them in rich soils makes them grow really tall and vigorous vegetatively. I'm not aiming for fruiting, just a good-looking and manageable plant, but I've heard they fruit really well under neglect. I might add some coco to the substrate to make it a bit more water retentive, they are thirsty. Most of the wild ones grow in cliffs right off the Mediterranean coast, I see them as the Brassavola version of trees.
I will likely be using this light bulb in a regular fixture right on top of the tree at about 5-10 inches over the canopy and I might keep it on well into the night for the visual effect: