anyone acquired any Peter T. Lins items as of late?
Watched one his videos. The Cable is out so I'm learning orchid culture (wish the cable would stay out)
I bought one of the C warscewiczii alba ‘Firmin Lambeau’ clones from him. It came in perfect health, and it’s taken off since and doubled in size. Great quality, and looks like you got a great list of things. That video is gold, as are all the others on that channel that I’be watched.
If I ever set up a cooler enclosure, I'll buy all the sophronitis from him in a heartbeat. They're beautiful and he's done some really neat breeding with the species!
I managed to snag one of his last 4N C. Triumphans which just came in! As usual, perfectly healthy plant and great roots.
Mystacidium should do great in your high humidity and heat. Remember they grow on big tree branches below the canopy, so not too much light. In winter they can stay dry between waterings for some days. When you remount don't cover the roots with anything. I've seen photos of them hanging from a wire with no mounting material, the way some people grow Brassavola nodosa.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.