I am not going to name any vendors in this thread simply because i believe this happens often and for a variety of reasons and i don't have any clue into the motivations or circumstances on the vendor side so i am ONLY speaking about the feelings on the customer side.
I am also not referring to any situation where you get a bonus plant, (like a vanda or neo or other mono plant that is a two-fer)
so you order a 3-4" pot size plant and you get it...looks healthy and like a nice little colony...you take it out to repot it and it is two plants...for the sake of this conversation, two healthy plants that do not appear to be divided, more like two 2" were up-potted together.
as i said, this could be a lot of things so i am not guessing, this might be mursery practice to ensure at least one plant makes it? could be a shady move to make a mature plant appear when it is only two younger plants? could be a natural division , doubtful) and more that i could not imagine …
I try to be positive about it and say, bonus, i get two plants...but as i reflect it is not really two for the price of one...its more like i'll trade you that quarter for TWO nickels....
so i wanted to reach out to see how you guys felt? am i being a snob and should be pleased to have two healthy plants or is it right to be a bit bummed that i have two plants that are a year or three from where i expected/wanted them to be?
I will said that this has happened from many places and places of tremendous repute and i do not think it is a nefarious plot but i am also a bit of newb to the world of BUYING orchids.