Vandanopsis Pulcherrimin I coud not resist this guy.
mine is getting delivered today. seems a cool combo a vanda and a phal. I will grow it in s/h clay but not in water at least at first. here is what the grower said about it These are very healthy blooming size plants that have very healthy root systems and are now starting to produce new roots. This is a hybrid that crosses a Phal x a Vanda the result is a very cool plant that produces incredible blooms. These are seed grown plants so the blooms could vary from the photo but the foliage has a red pigmentation so I'm almost positive they will bloom red-reddish. These are bloom size plants. These will ship bare root.
Dang that's cute. Not usually one for hybrids, but this one takes the cake
I figured this might be a good combo the roots can handle to be wet so it can grow in s/h after some training. I cant even remember the names of most of my plants the grower is not positive on flower color but this is close