The pink one is V. John de Biase x tessellata and the other one is V. Golden Doubloon. V. Golden Doubloon is a primary hybrid of denisoniana and tessellata. Both are nicely fragrant, but the fragrance of the V. Golden Doubloon is unbelievable in the mornings. You can smell it from anywhere in the greenhouse.
Very pretty flowers. Vanda denisoniana's flowers are nicely fragrant, but they're nothing like those of V tessellata's. Do you have a straight Vanda tessellata in your collection? The fragrance is so amazingly strong and good that it's almost impossible for me to stay away from my plant when it's in flower.
Congratulations on your lovely blooms. The Golden Doubloon is especially attractive.
Yes, I have 4 tessellatas, but three are seedlings that are probably 2-3 years from blooming. The other is blooming size, but it hasn't bloomed for me yet.
I put the Golden Doubloon in my office for a couple of weeks when the flowers first started opening up, and I couldn't keep my nose out of it, so I know what you mean.
Last edited by 2Barefeet; 01-24-2018 at 06:48 PM..