Vandaceous orchids can be grown many different ways. It really depends on your local conditions AND how much time you want to spend watering.
There are two reasons they arrive in empty baskets:
A. Thailand has a monsoon season, where it rains so much that any mix in the basket would rot.
B. You can't ship plants internationally with mix in the basket.
The flip side is, that outside of monsoon season, they need a lot of watering.
What they really need, is high humidity around the roots (the leaves are less demanding), and air flow around the roots as well. That's why the vase approach works well in apartment settings.
You could grow them hanging on a wire on a patio in Arizona, IF you mist them every 60-90 minutes during the day time.
If you want to minimize watering time, in most environments (& geographical regions), you need something in the basket. I have seen:
Clay pot shards
Wine bottle corks
Lava rock
All bark
Spaghnum/bark mix
All spagnum
Growing in a greenhouse in NJ, I use spaghnum/bark mix for most plants. To fit the watering schedule (weekly in winter, twice weekly rest of the year), I use:
4" baskets and smaller, 20% bark
6" baskets & up, 30-35% bark
This mix should be packed finger firm, but not tamped down.
For Rhy gigantea only, which is the only plant in the group that should dry out between waterings, I use all coarse bark.
I have experimented with Ang sesquipedale. I have those in large 8" plastic perennial pots (HD plastic with vertical sides). I have one in the spaghnum/bark mix, and the other in an Aliflor/charcoal mix. Plant in spagnum mix is doing far better (currently blooming on 3 spikes).
When my collection was smaller, I would have my Vandaceous plants outside in full sun from Memorial Day till the end of September. After hardening, I would hang them in full sun. To make that work, on sunny days I had to spray them down twice a day, in addition to the two solid waterings each week.
Kim (Fair Orchids)
Founder of SPCOP (Society to Prevention of Cruelty to Orchid People), with the goal of barring the taxonomists from tinkering with established genera!
I am neither a 'lumper' nor a 'splitter', but I refuse to re-write millions of labels.
Last edited by Fairorchids; 04-30-2017 at 12:15 PM..