Wow you can make Rhyncho flower here? Amazing!!
I have a Rhynco retusa x Rhynco coelestis in SH and it has been sulking for years!!! Growing but no flower. I tried out doors last year and absolutely nothing!! I put it in a small green house the year before with a heater and it gave me 3 dinky little flowers I'm about to give up!
Here is the pic of the plant in SH (It has at least 4 more spans of leaves than in the picture now)

So I am just wondering if the retusa parent needs warmth. I heard coelestis can take the cold, fingers crossed.
As far as spatulata concern, I have one hybrid Den. Warawan. It absolutely loves my new house, which is much much brighter. It can take a bit of cold but I shelter it in the garage when it goes below 50. It has now been in flower for 10 whole months. It has not been growing, not that I am complaining.
I'd love to be able to see your set up some day! I live in Hollywood, I wonder what is the temp difference between Glendale and my area? Are you warmer in summer and cooler in winter than me? We seldom get down below 50 here. Let me know how your new Rhynco is fairing.
Best regards