This Vandaceous plant is producing 4.5" chartreuse flowers with Dijon spotting. It is in vase culture that stands 22" high with a leaf span of 20" and has given me 1 tiny basal keiki.
Vandaceous orchids appreciate high humidity and gentle breezes if you can provide it for them. On hot, sunny days, at least 60% humidity is appropriate=but Manhattan in the summer is very hot and humid that the Vandas love. Usually the summer rains and winds on my fire escape is enough and it is protected by the neighboring buildings against too much wind. I read that hanging the plants near running water, ponds creeks or the pool can increase humidity as will putting the orchid above where other plants are growing. Soaking the ground below the Vandas also creates a humid environment by evaporation. Salt water spray from ocean breezes can be harmful.
I water this every day and when temperatures outside exceed 90F; I have to water even it more. The secret to growing these plants vigorously is the high light and good watering/feeding they receive. They are heavy feeders. I give it weekly weakly K-lite and seaweed mix.
This grow best under warm daytime conditions of 70F or higher but can withstand long spells of hot weather and short spells of cold that continue in active growth anytime of the year if given constant warm temperatures and bright light (south facing window in winter and outdoors in the fire escape in the summer). This orchid plant experience night temperatures generally 60F or higher but not usually lower than 50F in my environment….temps into the 40’s can be risked but only for a couple of days. I bring my Vandas indoors after Labor Day weekend.