It’s not difficult to grow Ascocendas than other orchids, but they do have special cultural needs for best results. They come from the warm islands of the South Pacific, so they like bright light, warm temperatures, and lots of humidity. They grow and flower throughout the year with no rest period. But in winter months I reduce watering to every other day. As long as temperatures are warm enough to keep the roots in active growth I continue my water and fertilizer regimen.
This plant will easily outgrow its container since I have this happily grown in S/H method on the sunny south facing windowsill. But if it is mounted or in a basket; the size of the container is not as critical to the growth of the plant since most Vandaceous roots hang in midair.
Since I grow this in an apartment environment, this plant appreciates spending the warm months outside on the fire escape.
I feed it weekly weakly fertilizer with seaweed mix alternated with worm tea mix. As with all my orchids, I water thoroughly before fertilizing.