I was turning the guest room into a jungle too. Then Our son moved in for a while. I hope he gets his own place before winter. What am I going to do with the new orchids that I bought on ebay? What about the ones that people give me because they know they aren't looking after them? I need those extra windows!
I don't have kids, but I think I'd probably turf them out onto the street in the winter (once grown up) rather than my plants... (you should get a sign for your guest room door along those lines...!).
I think your winters may be a little milder and less wet than ours. If he is still here [please, not!] I will tell him that he has to share his room with the orchids.
When I first moved here from the UK I found the winters very mild - but I've acclimatised and they're chilly. Frost is quite unusual though, and snow almost unheard of!
Good that your plant is growing a new leaf. The older leaves on my Rhynchostylis coelestis often show signs of low humidity during the spring months when I first move the orchids outdoors, but the plant recovers when the summer months (and their stifling humidity) arrive. So don't stress the dryness of your plant too much--unless your summers are also very dry.
On the other hand, I envy you living in the homeland of numerous encephalartos species. I would abandon ninety percent of my orchids in favor of those superb native South African cycads if I had the advantage of living in a similar environment.