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04-19-2012, 04:53 PM
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Rhynchostylis retusa x Rhynchostylis coelestis
Some help on how to make this plant flower. I love the flowers (that is if I can still remember them.) Have not flowered for 3 years now.
Too dry? Too cool? Obviously not too dark. Grown outdoorish here in LA. Night time temp to about 50 during winter.
Now I give it a shower every morning and hang it outside on my SW facing patio under some shade. At night pull it back into my study indoors. Anybody else has grown this especially in California?
04-19-2012, 09:31 PM
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By the looks of the plant and roots, it needs more water. Also, 50 degrees at night is to cool! I believe these are warm growers and should not go below 65 at night.
04-20-2012, 12:55 AM
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I gave up on it this winter and left it to its own device in the cold frame
Now I am giving it a warm.shower everyday before work and put it back inside at night.
Sobody suggested coco buggers what are your thoughts on that?
04-20-2012, 08:39 AM
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Coco buggers?? I don't think it has bugs, the damage looks from the cold. The coco fiber around the roots might be holding salts: just remove the old stuff, put in some new fiber, and that will solve that.
04-20-2012, 12:05 PM
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Darn Auto correct! I meant coco nuggets. Somebody in Australia has success growing Rhyncos in it. But then he also has a green house!
04-21-2012, 12:43 PM
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You can try the coco nuggets, they hold moister really well and allow a lot of air movement. However, they can also hold salt and so be changed for fresh media (when they need to be freshed up can vary). You could also use medium/large bark and change when it starts to break down.
04-22-2012, 09:10 AM
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I live in the north Los Angeles area in the foothills and I have both verities of this plant outdoors for several years, they stay outside all year unless we have nights in the 30's then I put in greenhouse, I let the cold rain got them and they seem fine, mine flower every year and grow bigger.
I grow under 50% shade cloth, water every morning during spring summer and fall, I also have an automatic mist system that goes on several times per day to wet things. I find that during spring summer outdoors here that they need lots of water, I grow mine in an open basket with no medium at all, the roots take over basket and fill out pot very nicely.
04-22-2012, 01:29 PM
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Orchid Byte:
Thank you for that very useful info. Now I have hope. I just started giving it a shower every morning, then I hang it on my patio with a little shade. I bring it in at night though.
In the winter, how often do you water and how low is the temp in the area where you grow your rhyco?
04-22-2012, 02:16 PM
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We have had nights in the mid 20's. I will cover or bring in any plants that are soft to 40 and below. Water in winter for that plant every morning, unless it rains or it is in the 50's that day, summer time I keep it wet several watering per day.
We live in the foothills of L.A., Sunland, it gets colder here and rains more and gets hotter here with far less humidity then the news reports for central L.A., which is just 15 miles away, a short distance in California.
04-22-2012, 02:30 PM
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Thanks for that info. I can't water it several times a day. I gotta work LOL. Will keep doing what I am doing. Hopefully the more humid air in West Hollywood helps. When your plants bloom do post a picture!!
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