Originally Posted by edera
i would like to ask you for a piece of advice since were i live in malta orchid lovers are few and we do not have any contact whatsoever so we learn by trial and error . i keep my babes in wooden slatted baskets with some large grade bark at the base and spaghnum moss on top for moisture since summer here can be very hot what do you think ? i have tried to keep the babes in plastic slatted baskets and that failed miserably but the survivors of my latest collection seem to be picking up , i also water daily with rain water and spray daily (temperatures here soar to over 30 deg celcius and humidity can be as low as 40% , i hope that one fine day i might manage to have monsters like the one's you have
I live in the South East portion of the United States and the humidity is fairly high (above 50% average with highes in the 80%'s) and the temperature readily gets to 35C here and sometimes higher!!!!
I like for mine to get mostly morning sun. Bright limited filtered light in the noon. And shade during the evening hours.
I also water it twice a day when it is very hot, just with common house hold tap water. It rains often here. Thankfully.
I also noticed that this particular "semi-terete" vanda is very resistant to drying out and handles lower humidity better than other "broad strap" vandas.
Also, this one seems very easy to care for and grows very vigorous.