Originally Posted by nenella
 WOW 2 spikes! Congratulations on your Growing.
Have you had it long? how do you grow it? What time of day does it have scent? Apologies for all the questions but, I have had one since April last year; It just grows leaves and roots.... I hope to see a spike this year!
I have had this plant only for about 4 or 5 months now. I grow it with my other vandas, though I have it at a slightly lower light level - about 1800fc
It came potted and I immediately converted it to bareroot and it seems to really like the change.
I soak it in pure water for about a half hour once a day.
It seems to have a scent all the time, and it's a light floral fragrance which at times seems sweet and at other times almost citrus.
Do you have other vandas that do bloom? I am no expert on this plant but with most vandaceous it seems a lack of flowering usually means either not enough light, too little water, or if potted it could be root rot. How big is your root system and are they healthy? Are you potted in medium or is it bareroot? How many leaves does it have - is it blooming size yet?