Does anyone out there have a Papilionanthe vandarum? I need some advice on better practices of culture and growing for it.
I have one and it's doing nothing. It does not thrive, but it doesn’t die either (knock on wood) lol
I got it a while ago as what looks like a top cutting. It has 2 aerial roots and the blunt bottom "cut" end was packed into a pot of wet sprag.
I'm wondering, can I grow it like a vanda by itself or should I keep it in the pot with sprag?
I don't really understand what the moist sprag at the bottom provides other then maybe humidity? As the roots are nowhere near the bottom.
I'm also getting a little worried about it as I read somewhere it likes cool conditions, and it's been in the 90's lately where I have it growing.
It seems a little sulky the last couple weeks, I'm guessing it's because of the heat.
Anyone have this plant? I'd love your help!