How big does this plant have to reach BEFORE it can bloom ?? I got a few that are 4-5 inches that the seller claimed to be BLOOMING size, but I still have not seen any blooms yet. I bought them last year!. They are in the same location as my VANDAs
Okie, I don't know how big the plants need to reach before blooming but I know that very small plants can bloom. When I bought mine 3 years ago, it was a very small and it had already bloomed.
If you grow it with your Vanda it is perfect, even if the specie can bloom with less light than Vanda.
The flowering season is, from what I have seen, begining at the end of spring to early fall.
This species can, indeed, start blooming when they are fairly small. Here are two small blooming plants in 3" mesh baskets, in 3.5" pots (8.5cm), photo 1. They just bloomed today. Photo 2 shows they are not accidental.
Because the plants are so small, the flowers are also proportionately small. Flowers will be larger when plants grow larger.
Last edited by catwalker808; 07-07-2011 at 05:33 AM..