Thanks everyone! This one too was a TC to the last OB project. The Maxillaria tenuifolia won, but I wanted this one (runner up) really bad so got it anyway!
To answer your questions, it's a small plant. The mount is only about 14cm (5.5in), and each bloom is only 1.5cm (1/2in) across.
As to how I grow it, well, I'm not sure! I was quite surprised that it bloomed seeing that in nov-dec it was pretty much in the dark (living someplace else temporarily). I soak the mount 10-15min every morning, and often mist it when I get home from work since it's dry by then. Since January it sits in the windowsill with other orchids under a 55W powercompact fluorescent and now that spring is here it's starting to get some morning sun as well. I'll be curious to know if I can bloom it next year, after it's been in my care for over a year.
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
My Orchid Photos