Its the plant....not the conditions
While searching for a possible answer to why a vanda might not be blooming, I came across this old post. I have about 20 vandaceous hybrids growing outdoors here in south Fl. All but 2 regularly flower every year, a few large flowered vandas actually flower 2-3 times a year. I do have two large mature plants which have never flowered. Since they grow side by side with other very similar plants which flower regularly, I am confident it is not my growing conditions. Both plants have massive healthy root systems and grow several inches each year. I purchased both of these plants from growers as local shows. They were "show specials" offered at very low prices for plants of there size. They were large mature plants with extensive root systems. One was well over 3 feet tall with many off shoots(kikis) at the base. The other was a double plant, both growths over 18" tall. This plant had been cut off just 1"-2" from the base and they re-sprouted two twin growths. Each grower had a large supply of these plants they were offering at bargain basement prices. None of the plants had ever shown a sign of flowering. I was assured by both growers the plants would be flowering within the next few months. 3 years later, not a bloom in sight.
It is my belief that both of these growers knew they had stock in a batch of plants that will never flower. These were very large plants, taking up lots of space in their green houses, and never producing a single flower. They dump these plants at shows, offering a great price on a huge plant knowing they will never flower.
I do not know what causes this unwillingness to flower, but I know growers are aware that some plants will just never flower. Years ago, there was a speaker at the Fort Lauderdale Orchid Society who brought up this topic. He has had vandas which just refuse to bloom. His suggestion was to crush the base of the stem with a hammer.... significantly damaging the fibers of the stem, but not destroying them. He claims this shocks the plant into flower. I tried it on one of my plants, and all i got was more kikis around the smashed area!
I would love to hear input from growers on this topic.
The plants in question:
Vanda Manvuvadee x Fuchs Delight: double twin growths, now with several kikis
Vanda tessellata x Aerides lawrencea: now over 4'tall with at least 12 kikis or more.