I fell in love with your merilii X Gordon Dillon 'Lea'. I called Smiley but she said she had NO MORE. The next day I had an e-mail, she found one with a slight swelling which hopefully is a bud forming.
She warned me it was a large plant. I measured it when it arrived, 58" of roots, 28" of plant, total 86". Wow!!!! I hadn't expected it to be that large.
I ordered that one and some Masdevilla plants. That will be the end until spring. I don't trust shipping, even with heat packs in our cold weather.
You were a bad enabler, but thanks anyway. You know my facination with Vandas. I'm sure I will love the blooms, if it is a bud forming.
Marilyn, You are very welcome. I am glad I was able to help....... Trust me. You will LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the plant and it sounds like it is a large plant. I ended up trimming half of the roots since mine was too long. Boy, the color of the flower is priceless.
Be sure to post the picture when you get it.
__________________ Naoki
Last edited by mollycart1; 09-24-2009 at 10:15 PM..