I left a thread about growing vandas outdoors here in coastal So California. I mentioned one that I bought from Smiley's Orchids in Florida in February, a cross of V Manuvadee and Mimi Palmer. Was shipped to me in bloom and I've attached a copy of the foto of those blooms taken by the seller, seem to have lost the picture I took once it got here. Was exactly as it is in the picture, well plus a couple of weeks on it, so I'm looking forward to seeing it bloom after it's gotten settled in here in CA :-)
Hopefully will find out if it blooms true to form, I've been growing it in a large vase since it arrived in March and it's now throwing off an inflorescence... will keep you all posted as it develops and we'll see how it looks when it blooms.
The only thing making me wonder is whether or not it might be tolerant of cooler growing temps such that I could put it in a basket and hang it out doors here in So Cal. I know that might be possible with V. Manuvadee, which is at least 50% V. coerulea, not sure what V. Mimi Palmer does to the mix.
The flowers in February:
The inflo as of 9-22-09: