V. Mary Foster (V. merrillii x V. sanderiana)
Registered in 1945 and awarded once (cultivar: 'Alpha') in 1961. Other than that I have not found any other info or pictures for comparison

I'm wondering if I should possibly bring it for judging since it is not a common plant and doesn't hold 97 previous awards
This was given to me by my dear friend Ron

but when I got it, it looked MUCH different
It was a mother plant with two keiki growing from the bottom. I've since removed the mother (and passed her along to my friend Linda R) and the two plants in the 10" basket now are two keikis which have grown ...a lot!
Here's what it looked like when it first bloomed:
When we first found the current spike, we also found 2 spikes in the second keiki...one of them has since blasted but there's one still to come