This was sold to me as Trichoglottis luzonesis, but I've come to think that the proper name should be luchuensis ??
Sometime an orchid just calls to me! I purchased a bunch of orchids the day that I bought this one, and it was priced slightly out of my range, but....I couldn't stay away from it! My husband had already put the purchases in the car when I told Louis DelFavero that I must have it! As usual Louis just laughed and said I knew that you'd end up taking that one home. He knows me too well. It was the only one that he had other than his personal plant. My husband thought that he'd done such a good job of keeping me under control and was shocked when we got home and he saw the price tag on it!
My daughters are still laughing about it, as he told them that he couldn't trust them to go with me, as they've been with me before and I've managed to buy too many ( I don't know how that keeps happening
