Awful picture,like mine always are. I'll never win any awards for my photography skills.
The clouds wouldn't clear up so here it is on a cloudly day. The bottom vanda was almost finished so I thought I couldn't wait for a better day.
They are hanging on a coat tree. It is too heavy for me to move against a better background (90 pounds) so here they are in front of a window. 2 more are in bud but not far enough to take a picture.
Last edited by Grandma M; 04-30-2009 at 07:22 PM..
Beautiful vandas. I'm just no good with these plants, but I keep trying anyway (somehow, mine always end up losing their roots, and the leaves follow).
What's the name of the hybrid with the white flowers? I like the shape of the blooms.
What's the name of the hybrid with the white flowers? I like the shape of the blooms.
Thank you for the compliments. Sometimes I wish I lived in Florida so I could raise them outdoors. I struggle with mine indoors but I am still happy with what mine will do without your sunshine.
The white one is Merv Velthuis X Alba, it is a trete Vanda. I really shouldn't be growing it indoors because it is so tall, but I love it. When it hits the ceiling I will have to top it.