Well, I took today off to do some errands and ended up going to a local Home & Garden show.
SURPRISE!!! THERE WERE A FEW ORCHID VENDORS. As I approached one of Vanda/Ascda looking plants, the little one just happended to be the Ascd. BlueTahourdin 'Bronze Grape' and was calling my name.
So I brought it home. It was only $15. I just scratched it off from my list. Gosh, it did not stay long.
__________________ Naoki
Last edited by mollycart1; 02-18-2009 at 07:28 PM..
Naoki, I'm happy that you found one. I love mine and I hope yours will have as nice a color as mine. It's even nicer than I expected.
I don't know how large your plant is but mine is still quite small. I bought it from EOM and they told me that they bloom on rather small plants. Good luck. Post a pic when it blooms.
I'm going to a flower and garden show tomorrow and I printed out the floor plan and highlighted the orchid venders. I wonder what will follow me home.