I agree, your plant has fungus that has been called Cercospora, Guignardia, Phyllosticta and Septoria. A systemic fungicide that kills the organism is needed. Banrot is not effective against these organisms.
Banrot is also not approved for home gardeners in the US, only for commercial users, because it is so toxic:
Have a look at the Diseases/Leaf Spot section of the St Augustine Orchid Society for recommendations:
This publication shows recommendations for antifungals to use on various ornamental plants. It does not list any leaf spot products for orchids, but if you search the document on the term Phyllosticta you will find antifungals recommended for other plants:
I would like to reiterate that people should not use fungicides unless they know the fungicide to be used is effective against the fungus infecting the plant. Not all fungicides treat all fungi species. Not all fungi species will be killed with any one fungicide. Using fungicides blindly risks exposure to highly toxic chemicals that may be ineffective for the fungus present.