I've got this Vanda (originally a noid cutting) that has never bloomed. A few weeks ago I moved to a higher light location. There is something beginning to protrude (see photos) where a leaf is missing. It does not look like a root and it feels kinda pointy. Would love to think this is the beginning of a spike but could be a Kiki forming . What do you guys think?
I'd almost say by the placement of it that it is a root
Usually the spike will come out right along the leaf line and this one appears to be coming out above that point, also spikes usually grow upward and this one appears to be growing down...
But as Sue says, in a couple of weeks you'll know for sure.
There's been a little more progess on the mystery bump. The roots of this Vanda usually appear near each leaf, but the mystery bump is positioned much higher on the plant and is positioned where a a leaf used to be. The leaf dropped off a few months ago. Because of the bumps location, I'm suspecting it's a kiki as a spike would be to good to be true.