I’ve recently purchased a young plant of cleisocentron gokusingii. I’ve always thought it was an interesting little plant but the availability always seemed few and far in between. I usually only grow slipper orchids so this is something out of my realm of knowledge and there doesn’t seem to be much info out there.
It’s currently planted in fine bark with lots of perlite for good drainage. Has anyone had good luck growing these and if so would you mind to share some growing tips/what worked for you? I’m really just looking for general care info.
Thanks all!
Hello...well you sure know how to pick 'em! Have had my tiny one since 2015 from a well known Ca. grower who came to speak at orchid soc. mtg. She had it potted as yours but since I was getting no results I put in on a treefern mount and some moss. Only has 5 leaves. Keeping it brighter and wetter. Good luck 2 U.
I have one in a treefern pot (it came that way). I have had and lost others mounted or in baskets. But I hit the jackpot on this one, which keeps growing and branching and blooming. Lesson learned, the treefern pot is starting to break down (so it won't hold the wire hanger) so I popped the whole thing into another basket without disturbing roots. I grow it outside (coastal southern California), shady and damp. So cold (close to freezing a few winter nights, mostly in the low 40's F ). Color is better when it is cool - it seems to put up with summer, but flowers are very pale if it happens to bloom at that time.
Thanks for the input everyone! I’ll post updates as I go, hopefully I’ll get some good results. Seems to be quit a slow grower so probably won’t be much to report back for awhile!
I have quite a few seedlings growing right now. They are outside in coastal Southern California, and they seem to like it. I was experimenting growing them in different media. I have my really young seedlings, and a near flowering size one growing in sphagnum. And other near flowering size ones growing in netpot with large bark and sphagnum. I notice the ones growing ins sphagnum have less roots compared those in bark and sphagnum. I let them dry out between watering. I think I will repot my young seedlings into bark and sphagnum mix when they get older.