I use a sprayer, sometimes a squirter (wash bottle) as it's awkward to soak. I haven't done it but I've heard people use a drop of dish detergent in the water as an un-repellent (I can't come up with a word).
I'd love to get my hands on long gorilla hair (redwood mulch)! I've only found it in bulk and I don't know any landscaper that uses it.
OLSO is Ooi Leng Sun Orchids out of Malaysia. Everyone should follow Michael Aaorchids (Michael Ooi, the founder) on Facebook, he is planting a mountain with orchids. His son Ben comes over for the major shows. And they ebay from FL.
aaorchids dot com is their site but I can't get to it right now, maybe hijacked.
Edit: wetting agent? Third parties sell their plants also. And pic of the set up (ignore the Schoenorchis?).

Credit where do but it's in Japanese but the link is there.