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12-12-2018, 12:36 AM
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It's not clear from your post whether this is your plants' first exposure to natural light since your obtaining them. If so, be aware that too much can cause problems such as burning and might require modification of your watering schedule.
Last edited by Shoreguy; 12-12-2018 at 01:05 AM..
12-12-2018, 01:39 AM
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Thanks but I actually had been growing plants in windows since I was a child (a very long time ago) and started growing orchids in windows with good success since the early 1990's. A few years ago, I decided to put all the plants under lights so the rest of the home could be mostly plant-free (I had gotten tired of the 'jungle' comments). I came to realize that I do better plant-wise with the windows so I have returned to my comfort level. I decided to use the fluorescent lights to supplement the natural light as Ohio is quite overcast in the winter. So, we are back to hearing "Wow, your house looks like a jungle!" or "Your house reminds me of Phipps Conservatory!" once more and spouse pointing to me. Yay.
I decorate in green!
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12-12-2018, 06:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Shoreguy
No problem, I’m sure he will let you know what it is like here.
I've actually been there several times! Well, not on the coast, but, yea, I know you guys get cold weather too.
I grow outside in the summer and inside under lights and in windows over the winter. Not sure how long you've been growing but, trust me, even inside you might experience insect problems. In the late fall, with windows open to combat heat from all the lights, I've had spider mites and mealy bugs get in. One year I also had aphids get inside via open windows during the early spring. Inside only is no guarantee, unfortunately .
12-12-2018, 11:38 AM
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I've been growing indoors about 50 years indoors and have had several instances of insects probably do to new acquisitions thus requiring Safer Insecticidal Soap and Sunspray Oil.
As stated earlier, I welcome tiny jumping spiders and have not had any problems for years. I keep my windows shut so that reduces insect problems.
---------- Post added at 10:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 AM ----------
Originally Posted by Leafmite
Thanks but I actually had been growing plants in windows since I was a child (a very long time ago) and started growing orchids in windows with good success since the early 1990's. A few years ago, I decided to put all the plants under lights so the rest of the home could be mostly plant-free (I had gotten tired of the 'jungle' comments). I came to realize that I do better plant-wise with the windows so I have returned to my comfort level. I decided to use the fluorescent lights to supplement the natural light as Ohio is quite overcast in the winter. So, we are back to hearing "Wow, your house looks like a jungle!" or "Your house reminds me of Phipps Conservatory!" once more and spouse pointing to me. Yay.
I get periods of sunless days too but do not want to get involved with fluorescents or halogens. I have an orchid growing acquaintance who had an intense halogen set up I once visited requiring wearing dark glasses and I heard a buzzing noise as if I was in a nuclear power plant. I got out of there with a splitting headache and never returned. No, I will not put up with any artificial lights and if that means not all my plants produce optimately, so be it.
Last edited by Shoreguy; 12-12-2018 at 04:27 PM..
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12-13-2018, 08:42 AM
Join Date: May 2012
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A pleasing sight indeed, I wish I had a better growing space. I will very soon move most of mine up to under the loft skylight for the winter where it's cold and bright. My summer grow space doesn't get direct sunlight during the mid winter months.
As for bugs, I've had a frustrating problem with mealy bugs. They get into the leaf axils, especially it seems, the ones with new spike nubs forming. I suspect they have more sugar or something. But it's been a real pain as they can kill the baby spike before it starts to grow out. I seem to have got rid of them by diligent and repeated local spraying of a mixture of isopropyl alcohol and hydrogen peroxide into infected leaf axils. This mixture stings the skin and turns it white where exposed but does not harm the plants (if not over done). It also needs to be made up frequently as it doesn't store well.
My large Manjushage plant had a really bad infestation and a small spider took up residence in it and webbed up half the plant (20+ growths of it). The mealy bugs were eradicated on this plant. However, it's happened before that I think they're gone and then I spot a few hiding in a leaf axil. Fortunately this year I've not seen any.
12-13-2018, 09:54 AM
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My tiny jumping spiders don't seem to form webs but only seem to use individual strands for transportation and then retract them or so it seems as I’ve never seen anything left behind not that an individual strand would be that visible anyway.
I have found Safers Insecticidal Soap very effective against mealy bugs. I have no financial interest in the company but only hope they keep making it.
It's far more economical to buy their concentrate than their premixed. Also, of course, you can vary the concentration but only lower it with the premixed, not a good idea.
Last edited by Shoreguy; 12-13-2018 at 10:09 AM..
12-13-2018, 01:39 PM
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Sunny Winter days are glorious for plants....and humans too. You can almost hear them growing.
12-13-2018, 03:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Shoreguy
I get periods of sunless days too but do not want to get involved with fluorescents or halogens. I have an orchid growing acquaintance who had an intense halogen set up I once visited requiring wearing dark glasses and I heard a buzzing noise as if I was in a nuclear power plant. I got out of there with a splitting headache and never returned. No, I will not put up with any artificial lights and if that means not all my plants produce optimately, so be it.
I definitely understand. I grew without the lights for most of my life and did quite well with the South-facing windows. I do not think that lights are necessary for most orchids if one has good window light. I had Cattleyas that bloomed twice a year and the fall/winter growth always ended in blooms just as nice as the ones I would get in Autumn on the spring/summer growth (I would put them outside for the summer).
I would never use the halogen lights as I have heard that they can explode. I remember office buildings where the fluorescent lights buzzed and I would get a terrible headache from them, too. Fortunately, my fluorescent lights are quiet. As for the brightness, it did cause headaches in the beginning so I had to keep the shelves completely covered for the first two years. Last year, I discovered that I seem to have adjusted. When my kids come to visit, they like to camp out near the lights as they say it is like being outside on a sunny day and they are not very pleased when those lights go off at night. :|
Mealy bugs--try neem oil. After mixing it up, shake it often while spraying and spray heavily enough to get it in all the nooks and crannies. It is necessary to apply it a few times. (An exception: I would not use Neem oil on Pleurothallidinae)
I decorate in green!
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