How often do you remoss your Neos, and when?
I'm having trouble digging up information on this, so I'll ask here. How often do you remoss your Neos, for those potted in the traditional sphagnum mounds?
I know that in general, plants grown in sphagnum should be repotted yearly. I also recall reading somewhere that the serious Neo growers in Japan will remoss their plants at least 4 times a year. Is there a reason for that, or just esthetics?
I'm asking because when I got my first Neos last year (some in september and others in December, most were bare root so I potted them up in the traditional style). Now the sphagnum for most of them has turned green, so I'm wondering if a repot is needed. If yes, is repotting now (explosion of root growth- with many outside of the mound) fine or is there a specific moment for repotting?
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Last edited by camille1585; 05-15-2018 at 12:50 PM..