It finally bloomed.
Though some background info, Kyoukai 巨海 is a korean variety, a mutation of Amami. Though, mine bloomed as Amami ive been informed that it can still flower like Kyoukai with pink heavenfacing flowers on the other growths, and i will therefore need 2 tags, one for Amami and one for Kyoukai. I was also informed that it is first time in 10 years a seedling of Kyoukai has not gotten the Kyoukai flowers. (Of what they knew.)
It will be interesting to see if the younger growths will show the preffered flowers
The fragrance is so good though, smells mostly like vanilla and when it puffs a strong one, jasmine is also in there
never smelled this sweet fragrace! Last night i putted it next to my bed and fell asleep to it!