Originally Posted by DelawareJim
If we knew what total cost would be, we could post a poll here on OB. If I understand your earlier post correctly, it would cost each person a one-time fee of $30 to join and $30 per year membership?
Nope. The cost is for people who want to be members of 日本富貴蘭会/Nihon Fkiran Kai. I am not sure where "all" came from, though. Based on what I read, it seems a local branch charges 3,000 Yen, including 1,000 Yen that is a membership fee to 日本富貴蘭会. However, 日本富貴蘭会 provides an administrative support of 1,000 Yen/member.
Originally Posted by DelawareJim
Also don't know if New World, Orchids Unlimited, and Seed-Engei might be willing to help defray some of the startup costs.
I do not know Jason, but I guess I do not have to write about Jerry.
Originally Posted by DelawareJim
Out of curiosity, where are you located? Any time in Japan? You seem to know the All Nippon fairly well.
Thought it was obvious from my member name here. I also refer it to my threads on Fkiran names. Whatever I posted about 日本富貴蘭会 is on their webpage, which I think I also mentioned.
I also read about their magazine and Mei Kan.
会報は発行と同時に会員の皆様に1冊ずつ発送致しておりますが、余分にご希望がありましたら、10冊以上の お申込に限りお受け致します。
※1冊 1,500円(送料別)
They send one per member, but you could buy one for $15. One problem is that you have to order over 10 of them. It is not clear that you have to order 10 of the same or 10 of different issues.
日本富貴蘭会 銘鑑
One Mei Kan is also sent to a member, and they do not sell this.
But non-members can also get this from vendors.