Originally Posted by vjo
They are all beautiful! !....Jean
Aw, thank you! I hope the Neos you got from me are doing well!
Originally Posted by Red Orchid
Your collection and photography is just beautiful 
That's really nice of you to say, thank you! It's sad that my iPhone takes better photos than my DSLR right now

Probably because I don't have the proper lenses for such a close-up shot of my plants. I'm expecting a new neo to come in sometime this week

I'll update this thread with a new photo when I have time to snap pics of it (and of course, after it arrives). I've been wanting to make a photo album dedicated to all the root growth I've been getting recently.
I saw your root photo thread and man, don't you just LOVE these brightly colored root tips? Even the brown/maroon ones have this glossy shine to them. So beautiful!!