Thanks for the nice comments, everyone.
Originally Posted by luckygrower
Very nice growing Tracy. I can get mine to produce new roots and new growth but I can't get them to spike.
Hi, Mike

I'm pretty convinced that (for some varieties) the higher light makes them bloom more and increases the chances of blooming a variety that does not bloom often, like Kuro Shinju. Please let me know if your Kuro Shinjyu blooms next year because I'd love to buy the pollen from you if you are willing to sell. I want to cross that one with a pink, 3 spur variety. My Kuro Shinjyu bloomed already this season but it was BEFORE I learned how to pollinate
Originally Posted by Don Perusse
Hi Tracey - Sure is a beauty. I wish I could afford so many more but enjoying the ones I do have. Thought you would like to know my little "Flag" has a new leaf. Thanks.
I'm glad it's doing well for you, Don. Amazingly, 'Angel' has survived my care so far.

She's even starting another new growth.