Originally Posted by Neokate
Thanks Gmaculata and Jim. Actually, I'm still thinking which neo I should buy...I have Benisuzume, Kibana, Kutsuwamushi and Nishidemiyako right now. I want to buy Ogonmaru and 1 kind of bean leaf neo. Don't know which one is good...any suggestions? Also, do you know one kind of neo called Kinbotan? Wanna get more information about it....thanks!
Kinbotan (Gold Peony) is very pretty. I believe that one has ruby roots plus the ink markings on the leaves and some other characteristics I can't recall. Due to the fact it has multiple desirable characteristics, it's rather expensive. Usually, around $1000 for one growth. Depending on who you get it from, you might be able to find it cheaper but I would guess no less than $500 for 1 growth.