I realize mounting is preferred but I prefer potting.
Two questions:
1. How important is it to be root-bound for Aerangis luteoalba var rhodosticta? Have a pot a bit bigger than its current one which I would like to transfer it to since it's clear.
They strongly resent root disturbance, so be sure you really need to repot now. I don't think pot size matters. What matters is moisture and air to the roots.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
I have an Aerangis luteoalba var. rhodosticta which has done really well in a 4-inch clay pot with large bark chunks as a potting medium. I tend to water it every 3-4 days, but if your environment is drier or more moist, you can easily check if the pot is dry by feeling the clay. If the bottom sides of the pot still feel moist or cool, wait until they do not to water. It needs to dry out completely.