Hello! I bought this Aerangis articulata in spike a few months or so ago and its flowers are finally opening. I am almost sure this is not articulata though. Maybe a hybrid? Any help would be great! The flowers are pretty small but so is the plant, and they do smell great at night (like lilac?)
IMG_20170322_211414_824 by
viper8stuff, on Flickr
IMG_20170322_211442_768 by
viper8stuff, on Flickr
IMG_20170322_211454_472 by
viper8stuff, on Flickr
IMG_20170322_211812_673 by
viper8stuff, on Flickr
Interesting enough, two of the bottom flowers have two spurs! I'm excited to see them open up.
IMG_20170322_211703_463 by
viper8stuff, on Flickr
These bad photos are the best I could do, sorry! I took a lot in hope someone could ID this. Thanks for taking a look!