Originally Posted by MrHappyRotter
How does it smell? I just picked up a few Angraecoids out of the blue. I decided that I wanted to have some things that are fragrant at night when I'm home, rather than during the day when I'm usually at work. Any advice on how to grow these guys? My research lead me to conclude that they should do well in paph appropriate conditions, but I have to keep the air flow up to prevent leaf rot. Does that sound right?
Potted or mounted? I had mine too bright for a while. It's been growing happily about 7" under a single t5 flourescent for the past year. Mounted it likes water every day, even twice in active growth-- another lesson learned the hard way after some sulking and leaf drop. (sulking mine, leaf drop, plant.) You're right on for air flow - would assume that's even more critical if growing potted.
I can't detect any fragrance, though I've heard others say they are. This is the third year blooming and nary a scent from mine. Independent sniffers concurred.
In any case, it's incredibly rewarding to grow. Charming as all get out, and so much flower for such an itty bitty plant.