Produced four spikes this year and not a single bud made it to flower. No sudden change in temp or humidity; no water on the buds; only a little yelling and crying and asking it to please, pleasejust give me one flower.
I did discover mites on it after the last blast. I don't know if they were the cause of this calamity or not.
Your leonis looks beautiful even without the flowers! Mine is thriving but it is still a seedling and so I must enjoy the pictures of blooms from others for now.
I am very sorry to hear about the mites. I had them this year and lost five spikes from my small oncidium...ready to bloom just in time for the show! Grrr.
So sorry to hear. The plant is gorgeous. The bud even looks beautiful. It's awful when that happens. You might want to ask about the bud blast and mites in pest and diseases area where there are more people reading and commenting.
In my experience with leonis, I keep them warm in day and a little cool at night away from draft ... I also water them all the time and never let it dry out in the roots. Not soggy but moist during this critical period. Maybe that helps?