I can't smell anything! Maybe it's the flowering tembusu trees nearby that are scenting the air around here too much, anyone can share when is the best time to smell it and what it smells like?
i read elsewhere that at least Angraecum didieri will take a few days straightening its spur and whatnot before giving out scent. i know that's a little far-fetched but..
can you post a picture of the bloom? i'd love to get a look.
I will tomorrow, in fact I managed to catch the scent, it's very musky, though it's not strong, possibly due to the winds. It starts to scent only very late though, after 10 pm...
I don't have to as the humidity here is generally high (60-80%), I would recommend putting it in a case for higher humidity, aerangis orchids like humid areas with good air circulation.
What a wonderful display! Looks like the wait was worth it. BTW, aerangis is fragrant at night to attract its pollinator (some kind of moth, I think). Its white color also attracts.