I purchased this plant as Angraecum cucullatum. From the flowers and foliage, I tend to imagine that the plant is really Angraecum cucullatum x Angraecum scottianum, but I could be wrong.
It was originally mounted, but I couldn't supply the necessary humidity. I moved it to medium bark and charcoal and he seemed to do pretty well. I have recently been blessed with two flowers and thought that I might share.
I've been winging it when it comes to culture, but so far it has been very forgiving: bark medium, medium light on the bright side of Phal-light.
![Angraecum cucullatum or Ang. cucullatum x Ang. scottianum-3-jpg](https://www.orchidboard.com/community/attachment.php?attachmentid=67337&thumb=1&d=1335324373&s=1c81c935a12711d0fc0f218f8e9bc2e4)