Hey everyone i posted a little while ago asking for help finding one of these! and i did!!!!!!! It came from Parkside Orchids its beautiful!!! i am soo happy you all came together to help me out! here are the pictures of it
The Whole Plant
Its maybe 1 foot tall 14-16 inches wide. I didnt measure it im guessing. ohh and also its in a 4 inch pot.
The Spike
How long do you think before flowers???? i really cannot wait to see and experience the flowers!!!!!
Its Very Well Rooted!!!!!!!!!
this is probably not the best idea but its how I test my plants root systems to see if they are healthy. im there to catch it just in case LOL
What do you think? it looks good right??? How long for flowers??? once again thank you all for your help!!!!! you can bet that i will post picture when or if i t blooms. Things happen.